Rasabi Cat – Psychology
We are all strange loops. Pre-programmed complex machines. Everything we have done and will do is hard coded. So yes, I shall have another maple bar thx.
These are the first three comics of Rasabi Cat’s tragic adventures. I’ll hopefully do more, often if the internet decides it’s something they want to be subjected to.
Who is Rasabi Cat?
Rasabi Cat is the projection of all human emotion on a cat. He can dance, sing, love, gamble irresponsibly, decimate, like you a lot, like you a little less than a lot, and aerate lawns… just like people! Some say he is people, and we are the cats. They are wrong. Rasabi cat is more people than we will ever be cat or people.
Right now he exists as a series of animated emoticons for the LINE chat app, and as a handful of comics.