Rasabi Cat – Origins
My spirit animal is my blender because it’s easier to hide from society how much peanut butter I eat in a smoothie.
Also yes, here is Rasabi Cat in all his gritty origin story glory. I’m still figuring out exactly how I want to use this space. His adventures and wisdom dealings definitely won’t all be 8-10 panels, and I’ll probably revise old comics from time to time, but for now this is his home. Will I always capitalize cat when referring to Rasabi Cat? My creative writing minor says this is a detail to leave until the very pinnacle of the narrative, after it is far, far too late to turn back.
Who is Rasabi Cat?
Rasabi Cat is the projection of all human emotion on a cat. He can dance, sing, love, gamble irresponsibly, decimate, like you a lot, like you a little less than a lot, and aerate lawns… just like people! Some say he is people, and we are the cats. They are wrong. Rasabi cat is more people than we will ever be cat or people.
Right now he exists as a series of animated emoticons for the LINE chat app, and as a handful of comics.